Jira Integration Guide 2024


August 7, 2024

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In the rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the key to success often lies in robust collaboration. Numerous organizations trust Jira for their development needs and for project management duties, recognizing the strength of each tool in its respective field. The true magic, however, unfolds when these two powerful platforms are seamlessly integrated, resulting in amplified productivity, enhanced communication, and elevated team collaboration. In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into the merits of bridging Jira and, evaluate the integration tools at your disposal, and present a systematic tutorial to effortlessly link these two platforms.

What is Jira

Jira is an issue and project tracking software designed for Agile teams. It’s highly configurable and can be tailored to fit any workflow, from the simplicity of Kanban to the iterative cycles of Scrum or a customized mix. It offers features like backlog prioritization, sprints, burndown charts, and customizable dashboards for a real-time view into the project’s progress.

Typically, Jira is used by software development teams, quality assurance teams, and project managers. It excels in environments where the creation, tracking, and resolution of tasks are pivotal.

What is is a project management platform that focuses on transparency and collaboration, offering features such as task assignment, progress tracking, and communication within the context of individual tasks or “pulses.” It’s characterized by a highly visual approach to project management, providing users with an intuitive interface to oversee and manage their workflows. is versatile and therefore used by a myriad of teams, from marketing and sales to HR and customer service, as well as by project managers and team leads across various industries.

Use Cases for Integrating Jira with

  1. Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: Teams can align their activities better by having a consolidated view of all tasks, irrespective of the platform they are originally created on. This is particularly useful when technical and non-technical teams need to work in sync.
  2. Status Synchronization: Changes to the status of a Jira issue can automatically update a task on and vice versa. This feature keeps all team members apprised of real-time changes.
  3. Task Automation and Trigger Actions: Certain activities in one platform can trigger actions in the other. For example, when a new Jira issue is created, a corresponding task can be automatically created in
  4. Enhanced Visibility: By linking Monday tasks to Jira issues, teams gain better insights into customer concerns and recurring problems. This valuable data can help identify areas for improvement, driving product development to better meet customer needs and anticipate future issues.

Deciding on the Optimal Tool for Jira-Monday Integration

There are various means to bridge Jira and Monday, with one of the most sought-after techniques being the utilization of third-party applications like getint.

Our platform has established a robust reputation for successfully facilitating several Jira-related integrations. We provide one of the most sophisticated, yet user-friendly platform for integrating a multitude of tools, including Jira, Zendesk, ServiceNow, Azure DevOps, Asana, Monday, GitLab, and more. Recognized by enterprises such as Capgemini, BMW, Fujitsu, Deloitte, and medium-sized companies, Getint is a trusted choice.

Although integration might seem straightforward, it often isn’t. Here are key considerations to guide your choice of a software provider.

1. Monday Jira One-way or Two-way Integration?

Many tools, including Zapier and Workato, only support one-way integration. For seamless, hassle-free coordination of team activities, a tool capable of two-way integration is paramount. This ensures you’re constantly in the loop regarding progress. Getint offers both, allowing you to dictate the level of fields (for instance, you can integrate Title and Description in both directions and labels in one). Additionally, the Jira Cloud integration supports team-managed projects and offers simplified integration processes through the Integration Center.

2. Sync Only What’s Necessary

During integration, you’ll often want to merge only the work of specific teams – not entire organizations. Or perhaps, you collaborate with various partners/contractors and need to ensure task privacy. Hence, advanced filtering options are indispensable. Integrating with Jira Data Center makes managing tasks and tracking issues easier, thanks to its unique automation features.

3. Balancing User-Friendliness with Advanced Capabilities

When initiating the integration, it’s wise to begin modestly, establish a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and demonstrate to stakeholders the potential of smooth integration. For this reason, we’ve introduced a 3-minute setup. As you proceed with the Proof of Concept (POC), requirements often evolve and become more intricate. A competent tool should provide an easy-to-use, intuitive interface, with the option to overlay advanced scripts when needed. Software developers can benefit from this integration to manage product development and improve software quality.

4. Security

Integrations imply sharing sensitive data across systems. Tasks, incidents, and tickets often contain personal and highly confidential organizational data. At getint, we place a strong emphasis on security, with ISO 27001 and 27018 certifications in the pipeline, and we participate in the bug bounty program. We also offer a self-hosted version of the platform that operates entirely behind the firewall.

5. Scalability

You might start with a simple 1x Jira to 1x Zendesk integration. However, as teams recognize the ease of collaboration and stakeholders realize the potential of specialized software for specific roles, your initial integration may expand to include Jira, Zendesk, ServiceNow, Azure DevOps, and GitLab, even with external companies. Getint stands ready to support you in this scenario, offering custom pricing and premium support, complete with custom development options.

6. Effortless Deployment and Straightforward Pricing

Different software providers offer diverse integration and billing methods. Some may require you to install both a Jira and a app, while others need an app and external connectors. With getint, all that’s necessary is a Jira app and a user token to establish a connection. Regarding pricing, our charges align with what you see on the Atlassian Marketplace, with no hidden costs or surcharges. Other companies might charge separately for the Jira app and the license to use the connector. We provide the best value for money and a simple way to achieve a powerful Jira-Monday integration platform. Additionally, the integration process with Jira Server differs from the basic Jira software by introducing specific recipes for automation and customization, enhancing the operational efficiency of teams using both platforms.

How to integrate Jira with – a quick guide

To integrate Jira with using getint platform you don’t need to install the app on Jira, and (but the preferred and recommended option is installing the Jira application from the Atlassian Marketplace). Also, there is no need to install any additional synchronizers. All you need is the URLs of the instances, and the users on both apps, to establish the connection with them.

There is just one, simple price that you can see here. and jira integration  - how to connect monday with jira

The first step is establishing a connection with Jira. Select Jira from the list of apps, and provide the URL of your Jira instance, username, password, or a token.

monday to jira users integration

Repeat the steps to connect to

The next step is doing the type mapping.

Continue to the field mapping. The field mapping can be unique for each type. You can map all the regular and custom fields. Additionally, you can decide on the direction of the integration – the default setting is bi-directional integration, and you can change on the field level (some fields can be integrated bidirectionally, and some only in one direction).

Jira has a lot of native fields, ready to be mapped. When it comes to, you need to first create them – only the “Title” field comes out-of-the-box.

custom integrations monday to jira

The next step is mapping the statuses – you can map them one to one, if the workflows are identical, or one to many if not.

Proceed to the Comments, and attachments section. You can decide how to integrate public, and private comments.

Some cases require additional filtering. Filter out the tickets, tasks, and incidents based on the Organization, Label, Status, or any other field.

Getint will let you filter out items based on all the fields available for a given project.

After successfully setting up the integration, go to the Reporting section, to monitor how your integrations are doing.


The integration of Jira and can dramatically boost the synergy and productivity of your customer support and project management teams. By building a bridge between these two potent platforms, teams can collaborate more effectively, expedite issue resolution, and ultimately, heighten the overall customer experience. The integration can result in substantial advancements in productivity, customer contentment, and business achievement.

When integrating cooperative software tools like Jira, Azure DevOps, ServiceNow, Asana, or even transitioning from one tool to another, it’s crucial to select a platform that offers a broad spectrum of options. Moreover, aligning with a tool that consistently evolves and values customer feedback, incorporating the requested features, is imperative.

Getint embodies these characteristics precisely.

Experience our service for free on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Read more about Jira integration here.


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