New Growth Team Member on Board! Welcoming Renata to the Getint!


August 20, 2024

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At Getint, our commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences is at the heart of everything we do. Today, we are thrilled to welcome someone who shares this passion and brings a wealth of experience and creativity to the team – Renata Hryniewicz.

Meet Renata: A Passionate Marketer with an Eye for Growth

With nearly a decade of experience in marketing and growth, Renata has consistently demonstrated her dedication to understanding customer needs and delivering solutions that resonate. Her background includes five years as an e-commerce manager and extensive work as a freelancer crafting marketing strategies for online stores and IT companies. For the past four years, she has been deeply immersed in the IT industry, translating technical innovations into practical business solutions for customers. Renata's passion for marketing and her focus on helping customers achieve their goals align perfectly with Getint's mission.

Aligned with Getint's Vision

Renata was drawn to Getint by the dynamic and enthusiastic culture fostered by the founders. She embraces our team's international nature, finding motivation in working with diverse perspectives and expanding the reach of our products.

In her words: "I was captivated by the energy and vision of Getint's founders. Their passion for creating the best workflow integration tool inspired me, and I'm excited to be part of this journey."

Beyond the Office

Outside of work, you can find her enjoying spending time with her family, especially on bike trips, which allow her to relax and connect with nature. As she says, "After a whole day of work in front of the computer, contact with nature is something I value the most."

Welcome to the Team, Renata!

We are confident that Renata's experience, creativity, and passion for growth will significantly enhance our marketing efforts and contribute to our continued success. Her expertise in understanding customer needs and creating impactful marketing solutions will be invaluable as we build stronger client relationships.

Please join us in giving Renata a warm welcome! We are excited about the fresh insights and energy she brings to our team. Together, we look forward to reaching new heights.


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